Join us each week starting March 27th, 2024 at New Image's Wheat Ridge taproom for a group ride hosted by New Image Brewing, Go4Graham, and Wheat Ridge Cyclery. The club meets at 6:30 pm every Wednesday (weather permitting). Any cancellations will be posted on this webpage and the Strava club page. We'll hold weekly A and B rides that take participants on 60-90 minute rides through the areas surrounding the taproom.
When you join Wheat Ridge Bike Club, you’ll get FREE access to Ride with GPS Premium features while riding club routes such as:
- One-step RSVP
- In-app route access
- Offline maps
- Turn-by-turn voice navigation
Auto Join Now
You’ll also gain access to stellar features on the web like Map View for all club routes, which displays your club’s entire route catalog in a detailed and discoverable interactive map.